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Iadul pe pământ... cam asta înseamnă pentru Lucinda Price să fie departe de iubitul ei Daniel. Le-a luat o veșnicie să se regăsească, dar acum el trebuie să o abandoneze din nou, tocmai pentru a o proteja.
La Shoreline, o școală privată exclusivistă de pe coasta de nord a Californiei, Luce are parte de experiențe inedite, dar se află de fapt, în mijlocul unui război în care sunt implicate toate forțele răului. Într-un decor cu totul nou, dar la fel de periculos, ea învață să folosească umbrele ca fereastră către viețile anterioare și descoperă cu ajutorul lor că Daniel nu i-a dezvăluit adevărul întreg. Îi ascunde ceva- ceva extrem de periculos.
E oare posibil ca Daniel s-o fi mințit? E oare posibil ca destinul ei să fie, de fapt, cu totul altul? Câte vieți trebuie să trăiești pentru a găsi pe cineva pentru care merită să mori?
Aventura celor doi îndrăgostiți va continua în volumul al treilea, Pasiune.
Roman publicat în 25 de țări!
The description of the book:
That's what it's like for Luce to be apart from her fallen angel boyfriend, Daniel.
It took them an eternity to find one another, but now he has told her he must go away. Just long enough to hunt down the Outcasts - immortals who want to kill Luce. Daniel hides Luce at Shoreline, a school on the rocky California coast with unusually gifted students: Nephilim, the offspring of fallen angels and humans.
At Shoreline, Luce learns what the Shadows are, and how she can use them as windows to her previous lives. Yet the more Luce learns, the more she suspects that Daniel hasn't told her everything. He's hiding something - something dangerous.
What if Daniel's version of the past isn't actually true? What if Luce is really meant to be with someone else?
The second novel in the addictive FALLEN series...where love never dies.
It took them an eternity to find one another, but now he has told her he must go away. Just long enough to hunt down the Outcasts - immortals who want to kill Luce. Daniel hides Luce at Shoreline, a school on the rocky California coast with unusually gifted students: Nephilim, the offspring of fallen angels and humans.
At Shoreline, Luce learns what the Shadows are, and how she can use them as windows to her previous lives. Yet the more Luce learns, the more she suspects that Daniel hasn't told her everything. He's hiding something - something dangerous.
What if Daniel's version of the past isn't actually true? What if Luce is really meant to be with someone else?
The second novel in the addictive FALLEN series...where love never dies.
Trailer-ul/The trailer:
1."Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can't always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith.”Lauren Kate, Torment
2.“Would he find her?
Without question.Would he save her?
Always.”Lauren Kate, Torment
3.“Are you okay?" Daniel whispered, his voice soft, his lips so close to hers.
"Yes." She could feel the beating of his wings. "You caught me."
"I will always catch you when you fall.” Lauren Kate, Torment
4.“I have to go," he said at last, getting to his feet. "I shouldn't even be here, but I cannot keep my self away from you. I worry about you in every waking moment. I love you, Luce. So much it hurts.”Lauren Kate, Torment
5.“Because love and hate were supposed to stand cleanly on opposite sides of the spectrum. The division seemed as clear as...well, angels and demons would once have seemed to her. Not anymore.”Lauren Kate, Torment
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