joi, 10 ianuarie 2013

Cartea zilei #1

In aceasa rubrica,voi posta cartile cu descrierile lor in engleza sau in romana si trailer-ul fiecarei carti.
This rubric will contain the descriptions of the books in English or in Romanian and the trailer of each book.

Cartea zilei este:/The book of the day is:

Damnare de Lauren Kate/Fallen by Lauren Kate:

Fallen (Fallen, #1)damnare

Descrierea cartii:

Unii îngeri sunt sortiţi căderii!
Există ceva dureros de familiar la Daniel Grigori.
Misterios şi distant, el îi atrage atenţia Lucindei Price încă din prima ei zi la internatul Sword & Cross, din înăbuşitorul Savannah. Ajunsă aici după ce prietenul ei moare într-un accident misterios, Lucinda, o adolescentă de şaptesprezece ani, se îndrăgosteşte de Daniel, dar descoperă un adevăr incredibil de  tulburător: el este un înger căzut, iar iubirea lor este veche de secole şi sfârşeşte tragic de fiecare dată când se întâlnesc.
Într-un decor apăsător şi opresiv, în care îngerii nu se deosebesc de muritori şi unde umbrele veghează ameninţător orice mişcare, povestea lor evocă un romantism diafan şi angelic.
Periculos de incitant şi întunecat de romantic, Damnare este un thriller fascinant şi povestea de dragoste supremă. 

The description of the book:

There’s something achingly familiar about Daniel Grigori.

Mysterious and aloof, he captures Luce Price’s attention from the moment she sees him on her first day at the Sword & Cross boarding school in sultry Savannah. He’s the one bright spot in a place where cell phones are forbidden, the other students are all screw-ups, and security cameras watch every move.

Even Daniel wants nothing to do with Luce – he goes out of his way to make that very clear. But she can’t let it go. Drawn to him like a moth to a flame, Luce has to find out what Daniel is so desperate to keep secret...even if it kills her.

Dangerously exciting and darkly romantic, FALLEN is a page-turning thriller and the ultimate love story.

Trailer-ul/The trailer:


“I've already had to wait so long."
"How long?" Luce asked.
"Not so long that I've forgotten that you're worth everything. Every sacrifice. Every pain.” 
― Lauren KateFallen

2.“I don't understand what you're still doing here."
She blinked and nodded miserably, then began to turn away.
"No!" He pulled her back. "Don't leave. It's just that you've never—we've never... gotten this far." He closed his eyes. "Will you say it again?" he asked, almost shyly. "Will you tell me ... what I am?"
"You're an angel," she repeated slowly, surprised to see Daniel close his eyes and moan in pleasure, almost as if they were kissing. "I'm in love with an angel.” 
― Lauren KateFallen

3.“Please don't worry. I will always come for you. I won't let you go until you understand that."
"Then I refuse to understand," she said.” 
― Lauren KateFallen

4.“The tender pressure of his lips soothed her, like a warm drink in the dead of the winter, when every part of her felt so cold.” 
― Lauren KateFallen

5.“The good news is" --he paused, carefully choosing his words-- "I kissed you, and you're still here.” 
― Lauren KateFallen

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