I found an awesome site that sells beautiful and cheap clothes.Furthermore,it offers free shipping worldwide.Isn't this awesome? Here is the site: http://www.ahaishopping.com/ They have a cool variety of clothes like Pants,Shorts,Leggings,Jewelry,Accessories etc but more you can find on the site.
I'd like to present to you their $9.99 free shipping worldwide section. Enter here for this amazing promotion.
And they prepared a giveaway for you guys where you can win free clothes.It is an international giveaway opened for worldwide.
Here are the conditions:
1. Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ahaishopping21
2. Follow us on Google+: https://plus.google.com/106350956726822110638
3. Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ahaishopping (optional)
4. Follow us on Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/ahaishopping/ (optional)
5. Comment your Facebook Name and the favorite items' url links on my blog.
There are 2 winners chosen at random(you help us to choose) after 3 weeks later(on September 11), each winner and can get their prizes that they said above, they are free shipping worldwide.
The prizes?
1. Free clothes totally cost $30 as prizes if there are over 100 valid competitors in your giveaway campaign within 3 weeks
One piece from our $9.99 section http://www.ahaishopping.com/category-47-b0-USD-99+Free+Shipping.html
One piece from our $19.80 secton http://www.ahaishopping.com/category-73-b0-USD-198+Free+Shipping.html
Two winners choosen at random after 3 weeks, each one could get $30 prizes listed above.
Blog owners get prizes as the same as winners.
2. $15 cash bonus to winners if there are less than 100 valid competitors in your giveaway campaign within 3 weeks
Two winners choosen at random after 3 weeks, each one could get $15 cash bonus, and you can use it as cash on our website when your order over $100.
Here are some of them:
They look pretty good,huh?
Good Luck!!!